― 瞬間と永遠 ―
彼に言わせれば、生命とは、生まれてから死ぬまでの現世だけの存在ではなく、生と死を無限に繰り返す永遠の存在なのである。つまり、生命は、ある時 は「生」の、またある時は「死」の姿をとりながら、永遠に存在し続ける実体なのである。 それ以来、彼は、死を恐れる姿勢ではなく、今この瞬間を、一歩一歩力強く、 勇気と希望を持って生きていくことこそが人間を幸福にすると信じるようになった。
「Door」では、彼の主題である生命の永遠性が、「瞬間」を描くことによって表されている。なぜなら、無限の過去と無限の未来が、あらゆる生命に訪れる一瞬の思いと行動の中に内包されているからだ。このシリーズは、人体が扉 に向かって一歩を踏み出している姿を描くことで、勇気の一歩を踏み出す一瞬 が、無限の過去を生かし、無限の未来を切り開くということを表している。
文章:石上 賢
Eternal Life
- Moment and Eternity -
Makoto Ishigami felt as if he were here in Venice in a past life by looking at the swaying light, water, air and landscape in which the past and present are intermingled in the course of his journey to Venice. From this experience, he got an inspiration of “Eternal Life”.
As far as he is concerned, Life is not seen as a womb-to-tomb lifetime, but seen as an eternal entity repeating life and death. That is to say, Life is an entity that keeps on existing eternally while manifesting itself as life at one time and death at another time. Since then, he has begun to believe that instead of having a fear of death, living strongly with courage and hope in this moment makes people achieve a feeling of happiness.
The main theme of both works “Eternal” and “Door” focuses on “Eternal Life” and “Courage and Hope”. In “Eternal”, one might feel bright and dark sides because of the fact that both life and death are expressed. He drew life in the concrete and drew death in the abstract in this work. That is to say, the “Eternal Life” repeating life and death is drawn in the style of half-abstractedness and half-realistic belonging to neither objective painting nor abstract painting.
In “Door”, the main theme, “Eternal Life” is expressed by drawing a moment. The infinite past and the infinite future are included in the momentary thought and action that all lives meet. In this work, he drew a human body taking a step toward the door to express that instant courage to take one step carves out an infinite future and takes advantage of an infinite past.
Makoto Ishigami wishes that his works expressing “Eternal Life” can give someone courage and hope to live.
Written by Ken Ishigami